Monday, July 12, 2010

Little Miracles

In The County, where I live, I have seen many miracles.

Roadside stands with money left out, owners trusting that the people stopping will pay for what they take and make their own change.

I was at the gas station, once, and had forgotten my wallet. I didn't have enough fuel to get me home. The guy behind the counter, that I didn't know and who didn't know me, took money out of his own wallet and lent me enough for gas.

I consider these miracles, because in the world today, to be able to see other human beings as human beings, to be able to trust, and to do a kind act simply for the sake of kindness, is a miracle. An ability to listen to your heart, follow your soul, and not give into all the paranoia, selfishness and apathy.

I used to take this stuff for granted. It was just how it was. People trusted one another, looked out for one another, helped one another. I didn't know how rare and miraculous it is; proof, to me, that we can evolve past the animal stage where you are constantly on edge, living as either prey or predator, trusting nothing because it might eat you–the ultimate skeptic/cynic.

There are demons, too. The ones who think kindness is for fools and take advantage of others, justified by thinking that they have to get or be gotten. They make these little glimpses light glow all the brighter. If enough people let themselves shine, the light will push the darkness away. And people will see, that being predator or prey, is no way to be human. Evolution can get back on track: the way God intended.

Copyright © Colin Frizzell 2010. All rights reserved.


  1. I think all men or women for that matter can be trusted. We are all the same really. Whether you are in a small county or a congested metropolis acts of kindness big and small do exist. That same simple care for people is still there, you just have to look a little deeper to find it.

  2. And it feels so good when you find it.

    Thanks Nomad.
